MAXOLUTION® machine automation

Machine automation requirements vary not only between different industries, but also within every one – due to the wide variety of application-specific stipulations and requirements. This applies to the food and beverage industry, intralogistics, the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, rubber and plastics, metalworking, and timber processing.

How can we assist you with your machine automation needs?

We can help you master the wide range of challenges and applications in your sector with our expansive product portfolio of motors, gear units, inverters, controllers and software solutions – all of which can be customized for your specific application and used with the interfaces in your application architecture.

Example solutions for the food production and packaging

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Changing customer needs and new demands facing food producers in terms of packaging represent a challenge for manufacturers of packaging machines. They have to design ever faster and with even greater flexibility, while at the same time facing an increasing shortage of skilled workers.

This is only possible with a strong partner who offers the right solutions and services for complex drive and control technology.

Example: MAXOLUTION® parallel arm kinematics kit

Parallel arm kinematics robot

How can we offer a simple solution to your complex requirements? What do our MAXOLUTION® machine automation solutions need to offer so you can use them across very diverse applications? One answer lies in our modular design approach to robots, for example. The modular structure and independent design of the individual system packages enable you to achieve perfectly coordinated kinematics in just a few simple steps.

Our parallel arm kinematics kits can easily be integrated into your production processes or operated as stand-alone solutions, depending on your requirements and the selected package.

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