MAXOLUTION® solutions for your automation

Our MAXOLUTION® system solutions for factory automation and machine automation offer you innovative technologies. From planning to startup, you benefit from our extensive expertise and get everything you need from one place, meaning you can start thinking about tomorrow's processes today.

System solutions for your factory and machinery – all from a single source

Do you have a vision of a fully automated factory that can also adapt to change? Do you want to automate your production operations and machinery from end to end, ideally getting everything you need from one place? If so, then SEW-EURODRIVE has exactly what you need.

4.0 consulting

SEW experts work with you to plan, configure and then implement solutions for your smart factory in a fully comprehensive approach to factory pla

What is automation?

Mobile assistance systems in a smart factory
Getting to grips with automation
Getting to grips with automation

It's difficult, even impossible, to imagine modern industrial production without it, but it was once no more than a wishful dream. So, where exactly does the term "Automation" come from? The ancient Greeks revered "Automatia" as the goddess of chance . In his "Politeia" (politics), Aristotle expressed the hope that one day machines would work on their own so masters would no longer need slaves.

The linguistic origins of the term automation therefore lie in the Greek , with the term generally referring to independent (autonomous) activity .

In English, the term automation describes both a process and technology . The systems that operate themselves – i.e. run automatically – in factories are automation, but so too is the whole process of creating – i.e. automating – these systems, and that is what MAXOLUTION® automation is all about.

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