Corporate Social Responsibility

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SEW-EURODRIVE Italia is committed with its partners to the development of technological solutions for industrial, logistics and process automation for the main industrial sectors, at the same time creating a context of trust and growth of people and generating value for the community and the territory. Our goal is to contribute to sustainable progress of the social, environmental and economic ecosystem

Together for the Italian industrial ecosystem

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SEW-EURODRIVE together with LUM School of Management intends to be the promoter of a movement of cultural change through the Industrial Innovation Lab experimentation laboratory,

The project aims to contribute to the transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises present in Italy into agile, innovative and sustainable organizations.

Skills and knowledge for sustainable transformation

Lean Smart Factory

SEW-EURODRIVE Italia maintains its commitment to the development of new skills through stable and continuous agreements with the main professional training institutes in the field of Lean Management, Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory, which guarantee companies to keep their skills constantly updated.

Staufen, StudioBase Gibertoni and Festo Consulting are the entities with which SEW-EURODRIVE creates a series of thematic workshops, short masters and executive tours designed to raise awareness of SEW-EURODRIVE's approach to the topic of factory digitalisation and the implementation of logics of Lean Manufacturing within the Smart Factory.

The company's commitment to developing new skills and knowledge began in 1989 with the establishment of the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation by Edeltraut Blickle, wife of founder Ernst Blickle. The Foundation, active in Germany, promotes research, work and the development of scientific knowledge in the field of technology and the market through the ERNST BLICKLE AWARD, awards for thesis projects, scholarships and visiting professorships. Furthermore, the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation supports a variety of institutions and training bodies with specific donations and contributions.

Social Responsibility: Schools and Universities

The transformation starts first and foremost with young people and schools. In this context, SEW-EURODRIVE Italia confirms its commitment by offering testimonials and professional training.

  • We invest in internship projects with educational institutions, Universities and Business Schools;
  • we provide specific training on automation technologies to guide business digital transformation;
  • we support highly specialized technical training in our territories (ITIS and ITS schools);
  • we promote refresher courses for all professionals at various company levels and orientation courses within the Smart Assembly Plant in Solaro.

We are also partners of the Master of Science in Innovation and Technology Management created by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and of the POLIMI Graduate School of Management.

Master of Science in Innovation and Technology Management

POLIMI Graduate School of Management

Social Responsibility: Diversity and inclusion

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The path towards sustainability is also expressed in the social sphere through Corporate Social Responsibility: we carry out various projects, workshops and meetings with foundations and bodies at a local and national level.

With the aim of creating a more inclusive job market, we have undertaken a path dedicated to gender equality and inclusion.

SEW-EURODRIVE, in collaboration with CLEF Consulting, proposed an Empowerment Program to the entire female corporate population in 2023, to promote cultural transformation and unleash the generative potential of women inside and outside the company. An ambitious project, which allowed us to become aware of personal and professional biases.

We also support Girls Code it Better, a large school project of digital creativity and entrepreneurship against the gender gap in Italy.

Find out more about Girls Code it Better.

Social responsibility: value for the territory

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SEW is committed to making concrete a vision of a sustainable company capable of putting people, relationships and the community at the centre.

In 2023 we chose to support the Seconda Stella – Mai più sola fund financed by the Northern Milan Community Foundation and the Anti-Violence Centers of Rho and Bollate of the HARA, RICOMINCIO DA ME network which manage the listening desks, support the paths of autonomy and provide hospitality in shelter homes, as well as offering orientation and training courses. A collaboration that has become a concrete commitment with a series of awareness meetings on gender violence open to the entire company population.

Culture of sustainability outside and inside the company

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For us at SEW-EURODRIVE, sustainability and responsibility towards the socio-economic context are an individual commitment, even before a corporate one.

This responsibility includes compliance with current laws, respect for essential ethical values ​​and adherence to the key principles on which our daily actions are based and on which we base our Code of Ethics.

Furthermore, SEW-EURODRIVE promotes the culture of sustainability also through the adoption of an internal Green Policy containing measures aimed at preserving energy resources while ensuring continuous advancement of business results.

With a view to social responsibility towards its company staff, SEW-EURODRIVE has equipped itself with a welfare plan aimed at creating well-being in the company and has increasingly promoted smart working, introduced as early as 2017 with the aim of contributing to the creation of a corporate culture based on widespread responsibility and transparency of results: from autonomy to remote support, up to attention to both corporate and personal results.

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The Green Side of Drive

Discover our goals and commitment to environmental and social sustainability

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